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Top 5 Government Education Schemes
Since Independence, Indian Government is continuously striving to fulfill basic needs i.e. food, shelter, health and education. But even after 65 years of independence, government is still struggling and unable to augment the living standard of its citizens. According to 2010 data from the United Nations Development Programme, approximately 29.8% of Indians live below the country\’s national poverty line. There are lots of Government Schemes to bring a difference but inefficient because of mass involvement.
One of the most important basic needs that can change the complete scenario is Education and government is running lots of Education Schemes to improve the statistics. But unfortunately, due to lack of awareness people are unable to take advantage of those schemes. Kiran Seva Nyas has taken an initiative to make people aware of the government schemes through
SearchSchemes It s an effort to involve educated segment of the society in spreading the information to the right people and bringing a revolution.
Search Schemes is a platform where information of all the schemes is provided on a single platform. Following are the Top 5 Government Education Schemes
1. Shiksha Sahayog Yojana This scheme provides scholarships to students whose parents are living below or marginally above poverty line & who are covered under Janashree Bima Yojana. Already 3,20,253 people are recorded as beneficiaries under this scheme (till 2006).
Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan
The Scheme of Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan is a national flagship program & is being implemented in all districts of India. The aim of this scheme is to provide useful and relevant elementary education for all children in the age group of 6-14 years by 2010. The scheme of Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan was launched in 2001. 50,000+ students are studying at 399 centers at different locations.
3. Saakshar Bharat The main objective of Saakshar Bharat is to further promote and strengthen Adult Education, especially of women, by extending educational options. To implement this scheme, 1.70 lacs Lok Shiksha Kendras (Adult Education Centers) are established in Panchayat grams of the districts covered under the Scheme. The benefit of Shakshar Bharat Yojna can be availed by contacting Lok Shiksha Kendras in various regions.
Kanya Saaksharta Protsahan Yojna
Objective of this scheme is to reduce the dropout rate & to increase the interest of Tribal Girl Students to continue their study. Rs. 500 is given to those girls who continue study in class VI, Rs. 1000 to girls who get admission in IX & Rs. 2000 to girls who gets admission in XI.
5. Kasturba Gandhi Balika Vidyalaya Yojna This program is especially for promoting girls education. There are 3500 Kasturba Balika Vidyalaya in which 3.6 lac girls are studying. These schools also have hostel facility for girls of 5th to 8th class.
These government schemes are doing really good and many people are getting benefitted. But still there is a lot more to be done and thus, Search Schemes requests you to share the information of these schemes with the needy people like your maid, watchman, peon or milkman. Let the future generations avail these schemes for a shining career!
SearchSchemes.com is an initiative of Kiran Seva Nyas to spread the information and application procedure of all the
Madhya Pradesh & Central Government Schemes
, so that, everyone gets benefited & a big contribution could be made in development of the nation. It is invoking people to bring a change in the society and motivating them to bring out their helping hand.
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