Submitted by: John Barrow
Blogging, as they say, is the copywriters task. However, as time has passed and the online world has experienced a Web 2.0 makeover, the importance of including blogging as an integral part of SEO packages has taken a completely different route (positive) of late.
Now there have been enough speculations on whether Blogs actually help improve the impact of affordable SEO packages or if they are just there for the sake of establishing a positive brand image online. However, as experts have suggested only recently, a blog (or more) can have serious benefits for an SEO campaign, even when using affordable SEO packages.
Here are some benefits if adding a blog for SEO purposes
Indexed URLs Unlike in actual live websites, Blogs or content management systems that provide blog setups can actually be pretty simple and easy to setup. So even when using affordable SEO services, you can actually set up a blog and complement the campaign, instead of worrying about the technical details that this may entail!
One-way Links Aplenty One-way links are the easiest to get and solicit when through your Blog. Authority back-links, such as from sites like .EDU and .ORG can be easier to fetch while commenting through your Blog s domain. And the more back-links, especially the authoritative ones you can fetch, the faster you can climb up the SERPs.
oHowever, all you need to keep in mind is that spam blogs and links for the sake of link-building should be discouraged, for stricter policies have made such avenues tougher for SEO experts and blogging is no exception either.
Regular Content Updates Unlike with live sites, updating fresh or new content in the form of posts is a cakewalk in most Blogs. This has two main benefits one, it allows you to publish far more regularly and hence get crawled by search engines faster and in a more effective fashion. Two, even readers and visitors to the post can become loyal fans, if you can keep posting informational and interesting articles regularly.
oAlso this way, you can build a complete target fan base, which you can always use for viral or word-of-mouth marketing when necessary!
Networking Benefits Networking is another benefit of having a personal Blog for your site. For instance, you may not have many fans of your web site when you kick off an online enterprise, but you can actually spread the word with the help of your Blog. Not only can you direct targeted traffic from your Blog to your site, but also use it as a platform to build upon your site s brand itself!
So you see, a blog may not have as many aesthetic benefits in itself, but from the SEO perspective, site Blogs have become as crucial as the website s contact information itself.
So before you start researching and bargaining over affordable SEO packages online, get your Blog up and running! For you never know what might help in an SEO campaign!
About the Author: John Barrow is a specialist on SEO packages and affordable SEO services in the industry, with a special focus on the expertise and banality of DIY SEO efforts of late.
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