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Monday, April 26, 2021
The Church of God in Aylmer, Ontario, Canada held an large in-person church service on Sunday, defying Ontario’s new COVID-19 guidelines, which limits religious services must be kept below 10 people. The service was live-streamed, and over 100 people gathered indoors without wearing masks or social distancing. There were about 200 cars in the parking lot. Attendees included Member of Provincial Parliament Randy Hillier and member of parliament Derek Sloan, as well as two Toronto police officers. Aylmer police say they are investigating this and charges will be made. On Tuesday, four people were charged after another gathering at the same church, and 18 were found to not be following COVID-19 guidelines.
Pastor Henry Hildebrandt addressed churchgoers by thanking COVID-19 in a YouTube video posted by the Church of God.